Nationwide, this is an unusually active year for job-switching in Tax-Aide; in Nevada, we’re no exception.
We have a great need to fill Local Coordinator positions in particular. These volunteers are site leads that do not necessarily have to prepare tax returns. We need to identify them as soon as possible so that we can secure additional sites for tax preparation in 2025.
Many of our really effective leaders have only a brief history with our program. You won’t have to tackle the job by yourself. There are many mentors and colleagues that will be right there by your side.
The links below are PDFs that explain some of our open positions. They contain a brief description, the official AARP Volunteer Portal position and contact person for questions or applying for the position.
These are extremely rewarding volunteer opportunities. We get great positive feedback from our taxpayers! Please come and join us!
Local Team Positions:
Local Coordinator (LC) Counselor (COU)
Appointment Scheduler Client Facilitator/Greeter (CF)
Questions? Contact:
Lee Biss, PVS, Nevada Bob Fishman, State Coordinator
702-496-9643 808-741-4911