TaxAidePromoVideo 01-10-24.mp4

<-- <--View the video to the left & then click the link below to learn more about our services, make an appointment, and know what to bring to your appointment: 
Taxpayer Information 

Tax-Aide provides free tax preparation service at established sites, including electronic filing of returns.  There are no upper/lower income or age limits for Tax-Aide assistance and there is no requirement to be an AARP member.

Each site is staffed by volunteers who are certified by the IRS and will prepare any federal return that falls within the scope of the volunteer training. 

For more information send us an email:

This year, depending on location, AARP Nevada Tax-Aide has either a Drop-Off and/or In-Person option for taxpayers. Find a Nevada Tax-Aide location near you.

See below for descriptions of service types: 

Are you looking for a way that YOU can help people in YOUR community?  Consider becoming an AARP Tax-Aide volunteer

Have questions?  Send an email to  Beyond your name and contact information, please do NOT provide any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or personal financial information.